Read about what’s going on in our world as well as the local yoga community.

Benefits of Strength Training in Yoga
Benefits of Strength Training In Yoga At Rooted Tribe Hot Yoga we believe that everything in the body is connected in one way or another. The great thing about Rooted Tribe is we offer a variety of things that can help create balance in your body and life. Yoga combined with strength training (all…

Maintaining balance in your stomach acid.
Maintaining Balance in your Stomach Acid. Creating and maintain the appropriate acid balance in your stomach is a hugely important yet challenging task. When acid imbalance is prolonged, it may result in unhealthy absorption and digestion within the GI tract. It’s important for stomach acid to be in balance not only because it helps us…

Why Is Hydration Important?
Why is Hydration Important? Do you find yourself spending extra time in the Hot Room Detoxing and sweating? Don’t forget to hydrate! Filtered water is awesome but sometimes we need to add a little extra without all the chemicals and sugar to replace nutrients and minerals lost in sweat. Here is just a couple of…